
Title companies have always been not understood by home buyers. What is a title company? What do they do? What is title insurance? Do I need it? We understand those gaps in understanding. Our job is to not only educate our clients but make sure that they have a closing experience to remember.

Closing at a title company has been the same for years and we want to change that. We are taking steps to modernize the closing experience. This allows us to provide a better experience for our customer and realtors. On top of that, it helps cut costs and return those savings to the customer, who is already spending so much to purchase a property. 

We would love to guide you through your closings and show you benefits with working with Lake Title. Once you close with us, you will not think of any other title company. 


Arman Oskooi
General Manager

612-424-3405 Arman@LakeTitleMN.com

Tracy Nelson
Account Manager


Ravindra Lall
Executive Closer

952-246-1273 ravindra@laketitlemn.com

Tonya Ennen
Executive Closer

763-482-1178 tonya@laketitlemn.com

Debra Lustig
Executive Closer

612-424-3439 debra@laketitlemn.com


Lake Title

1101 E 78th St #315,
Bloomington, MN 55420